Saturday 25 March 2017

Excellence Blog Post #1 Home Learning Challenge

Home Learning Challenge:  Research food from another culture. Prepare a dish from this culture and serve it to your family.

For this Home Learning Challenge, I decided to research about Japan and Sushi.
Firstly I researched about Japan and what their national foods are and I thought sushi would be fun to make with some twists to it. I also love sushi so this would be perfect to make. It was pretty easy to

make as well. Firstly, we got out the giant packet of seaweed.
Secondly, we placed the seaweed onto the roller thing, and then the rice, then the cucumber etc.

I have never made sushi before but it was fun and easy. Some things I added into it was cucumber, carrots, pineapple and chicken. Next time, I would add avocado and cream to it so I can try different tastes.
The twist that we made, was to add a panda into it to make it more unique and different. It turned out pretty good for the first time and I was really pleased.
The CARE Values that I showed in this were, Excellence and Active Thinking.
I showed Excellence by trying new things that were different.
I showed Active Thinking by creating new ideas and extend them to add into this challenge.
I demonstrated Leadership by enjoying what I was doing and being positive as well.

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