Sunday 26 February 2017

Merit Blog Post #4 Key Leadership

On Thursday, all the House Captains got together and formed a little meeting about our idea for the whole school. We talked about painting the bins and getting everything ready for our major event.
On Thursday we put our idea into action and at Lunch, we started of painting the bins of our house color. Mine was Miro House (Blue). We all brought in some old clothes to wear while painting so we don't get ourselves covered with paint on our school uniform. Our idea was coming along pretty good because we are very organised and we know what we are going to do.

The CARE Values that I showed were Active Thinking and Community.
I showed Active Thinking by contributing to the group and giving ideas on how we should do it.
I showed Community by helping others when they needed help with the job.

Tuesday 21 February 2017

Merit Blog Post #3 Leadership Around The School (Getting Involved Multi Cultural Day)

Today on Tuesday 21st Feb, Oaklands School had a fun Multi Cultural Day. What it is was we had to come to school dressed in something that represents our culture. What I wore to school was Black and White to show NZ spirit and a BLACK CAPS Flag to also show my culture. I went with NZ because i thought I belonged in New Zealand more. We kicked off the morning with some cool activities with the NTEC Students.

Firstly we had to present our mihi to them. They had no idea what we were talking about because it was all in Maori. I also repeated my mihi in the english version so they know what we were saying. They showed us some incredible performances from all their different cultures like India and The Philippines. I enjoyed all of them because I liked seeing different things from different countries.

They also taught us some very cool games that were about agility and teamwork. After Lunch, we had a Multi Cultural Assembly that had a whole heap of performances from lots of different countries. My favorite performance was probably the Samoan Dance.

The CARE Values that I showed during this time was Excellence and Respect.
I showed Excellence by participating in their games positively and having fun.
I showed Respect by respecting everyone's culture and not making fun of it just because it is different.

Monday 20 February 2017

Maths Assessment Task Find factors of numbers to 100 and common multiples of numbers to 10.

WALT: Find factors of numbers to 100 and common multiples of numbers to 10.

Here is my assessment task for this particular maths goal.
Assessment Task (Google Docs)

Wednesday 15 February 2017

Merit Blog Post #3 Key Leadership

On Wednesday 15th, we had a leadership meeting about planning our first event at Oaklands 2017. Firstly the house captains all went out to learn how to place the Oaklands Banners up and know how to tie them up so they wont fall. After that, the house captains all meet up to discuss an important event about rubbish at our school, and how we could fix the littering in our environment. We had a lot of talking about our plan and deciding how we are going to start this. 

We all shared a doc with each other to record our ideas and pictures if we need. We were also thinking of fundraising for money for the bins we were going to get for each house. We will spray paint the bins to get the colors for our houses which is Blue, Red, Yellow and Green. I think this idea is going to work, with all of our ideas as this is for the house captains to organize for the school.

The CARE Values that I showed were Respect and Active Thinking.
I showed Respect by listening to everyone's ideas and respecting their opinions.
I showed Active Thinking by contributing to the group positively and giving ideas to support our main idea.

Monday 13 February 2017

Merit Blog Post #2 Key Leadership

On Thursday in the afternoon, we had our leadership meeting and discussed about public speaking. We have decided to talk about it since it is our main focus anyway. So then, what we had to do was, we had been given a poem to memorize. After reading it a few times we had to pair up with a partner and trying to say that out clear to them. Kinda like public speaking. So then once we have done that, the teacher put our pairs together to form a group of 4 and we started to practice in that little group. We were also given the task to talk about which parts we each are going to say and we had to practice public speaking in front of the whole leadership group. After that, we were put in the spot to make up a speech up about a topic that we had drawn and we had about a minute to make up a speech in front of everyone. I found that challenging because my topic I had picked out was quite hard.

The CARE Values I showed were Excellence and Community.
I showed Excellence because I just go on with what we had to do even if it was kinda out of my comfit zone.
I showed Community by not fiddling or talking to anyone while the others were presenting their speech on the spot.

Saturday 11 February 2017

Merit Blog Post #2 Leadership Around The School (Tech)

On Thursday we started our first technology session at Lincoln Primary. I was in Group C and we began with Food Tech. But before we got to cook, we had to go to the mandarin lesson for 30 mins. After the Mandarin lesson we went back to the food tech station an started to get ready. Firstly we learnt all the basics of safety like knives and ovens. Then we went over on a hygiene lesson and was told to wash our hands before we started cooking. We then learnt a recipe which I forgot what was called. It was something similar to a hot dog. We grilled it in the oven for a few minutes and it tasted good. At the end when we came back from interval, clean up our messes and rinsed and cleaned our dishes. I quite enjoyed the first day of tech 2017.

The CARE Values I showed at tech were Respect and Excellence.
I showed Respect by listening carefully to the teacher so I know the safety in the kitchen.
I showed Excellence by trying my best even though I am not that in to cooking.

Monday 6 February 2017

Merit Blog Post #1 Home Learning Challenge

Home Learning Challenge: Research a different culture. Find out how their culture differs to yours. Present your findings. (R6)

For my first home learning challenge this year, I decided to research a different country and discover how it differs to NZ. At first it was a struggle because I couldn't decide what country to research on. So after that I decided to research Italy, as it sounded interesting to learn about. I did a heap of research but couldn't really find anything that I understand. I looked on a kids website and found a whole lot of information for my challenge. I had to think of how to display it as well. So here is what I came up with.

The CARE values that I showed were Excellence and Active Thinking.
I showed Excellence by putting in my best effort for this challenge.
I showed Active Thinking by using an open mind and thinking of good ideas to use in this research.

Friday 3 February 2017

Merit Blog Post #1 Leadership Around The School (Four Square)

Today at Lunch, me and my friends played Four Square out on the court area by the classrooms. Firstly we sorted out who would be in which spot and we used paper scissors rock. We then started of the game and Amelia was the King. We had a few frustrations such as, when kids run through our game, as it is called interference. That for us was really annoying, but we kindly told them to go around the game. We didn't want anyone to get hurt with the ball so we directed them around. As we got onto the game, I finally made it to be the King. The King gets to serve first. Overall this was a fun game to play at lunch especially with your friends.

The CARE values that I showed playing this game are Respect and Excellence
I showed the Respect value by not arguing with the ref if I hadn't agreed to what they're saying. I just let it go and be a good sport if I got out.
I showed the Excellence value by not giving up even if I was pretty bad at it and I kept trying and I made it to the King spot.

Merit Blog Post #1 Key Leadership

On Thursday afternoon, I had a student leader meeting. Firstly we had a look at what makes a good leader and we read an article about it. We read up to Chapter 3 and had to think of how we are going to be a positive leader. The article we read was about how a leader has to be fun and responsible. I quite enjoyed reading the article because I got to learn a few more things about being a great leader at our school. I learnt that leaders are known as role models and they proceed on their goals.

The CARE values I showed were Respect and Community.
I showed Respect by listening to the teacher and focusing on what they're saying.
I showed Community by helping pack up the space when the meeting was finished.